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Grassroots efforts continue: update!

Grassroots efforts continue: update!

Time flies and the world around us is changing fast. Both the challenges that we face and the opportunities that come our way continue to increase. The following is a quick recap of what has happened in the last 8 months.

In the Spring of 2016, the volunteer work we do to bring people of both faiths together really grew with several large events and people from neighboring cities asking us to come start something similar where they live. So the Summer was spent strategizing how we can maximize our time and better help others start similar initiatives so the work would not fall squarely on our shoulders, but could continue to grow.

Besides continuing the local grassroots organizing, speaking engagements, and peace trainings, we also started a 9-month leadership course for Muslim and Christian volunteers that are ready to head up the work in their local cities. We are now nearing the end of the first year of this course, and it has been exciting to see the grassroots initiatives that have come out of it. A few of the trainees have moved across the United States and even to other parts of the world and are using what they learned to start similar work there.

Additionally, we had an incredible time during Christmas when 125+ Christians hosted 175+ Muslims for a meal in 26 homes. Find some of the highlights in this video:


Although at times we may get impatient or overwhelmed with the great need for the work that needs to be done to help more Muslims and Christians understand and truly love each other, we know that it is ultimately only possible with the guidance coming from God.

We pray many more people both locally, nationally, and around the world will catch the vision of the need for us to address misunderstandings and be a blessing to a hurting world around us.

– 2F1F Team

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