About 100 Muslims and Christians joined together last Wednesday to enjoy an evening dedicated to peacemaking, dialogue, and understanding. We would like to thank our speakers for inspiring us with their words and work. We would also like to thank our Muslim and Christian guests for attending despite the weekday crunch! Your presence and support means the world to us. Thank you.
Dr. Saleh welcomed our guests and shared a beautiful story about a group of Christian pastors who stood up for him and his young family on the flight from Syria to the United States back in 1983. He also quoted a verse from the Quran that encourages understanding and love in diversity: “O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another (49:13).”
Next, Mr. Jeremy from Preemptive Love Coalition talked about his group’s work in facilitating heart surgeries to children in Iraq and neighboring countries. He discussed the ways in which people from different religious and tribal backgrounds came together to help each other in times of crisis.
We took a short break to allow for Muslims to pray Maghrib, the fourth prayer of the day, which takes place at sunset.
After a short break for prayer, Gregg and Ahmed, a Christian and Muslim who met in 2011, shared their experience in developing a friendship without compromising their different beliefs.
The best part of the evening: Table Talk! Muslims and Christians paired up to share about life, faith, and friendship.
“Awesome movement. Praying God blesses and expands this movement!” — Christian attendee
“Loved it! Can’t wait for the next event, God willing!” — Muslim attendee
“I’m glad programs like this exist to promote love and acceptance of others.” — Christian attendee
“May God bless you all. I am very grateful to be a part of these wonderful programs.” — Muslim attendee
Lastly, Pastor Abraham closed with sharing Next Steps for the Muslims and Christians present encouraging them to continue cultivating their newfound friendships and signing up for our follow-up peace-building trainings.
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